Publication history in LaTeX from Google Scholar

Having your publication history in a LaTeX document is not the worst idea in the world. Updating a .bib file is natural and easy when making incremental changes (for the next, seemingly inevitable, academic application in 6 months time).

A recommendation though—don’t decide to do this two hours before a submission deadline!

1) Get the data. I only discovered this mass-export by accident.

  • Go to your Google Scholar page
  • click on all the publications on the first page, using the header-checkbox.
  • Click on Export / BibTeX
  • A pop-up box should ask you “Export selected articles” or “Export all my articles”,
  • You should now have well formatted .bib file with all your articles.

2) In an ideal world, you should probably be using biblatex and associated helper program biber. This allows you to specify the ordering (i.e. chronological).

See sorting and style options here: (

3) However, my TeX installation was missing biber. (In a sort of broken-package, what on earth have I done to Debian kind of way.)

So I decided to use the more primitive bibtex, with an ‘unsrt’ (unsorted) bibliography.

This then just lists the items in the order they are present in the .bib file.

My Google Scholar .bib was mostly chronological (pre 2010 seemed less ordered, I suppose recent entries have been appended as they were published).

This meant it didn’t take too long to reorder it correctly.

(I also needed to delete some spurious entries.)

4) My LaTeX file listing the journal articles, was piece together from bits of tex.stackexchange, and the important bit read as follows (my bib file was PublicationsFull.bib):

\subsection*{Journal articles}

\nocite{*} % cite all bib items, without text

\begingroup % stops printing 'references';


Jarvist Moore Frost
Electronic structure theory